Thursday, October 15, 2009

~Week 14~

pregnancy cartoon

Enter the week 14, meaning that I'm already 3.5 moth...Wah..still, sometimes I cant believe it...Entahlah..But, starting from this week, I start feeling that I'm bigger than normal Adibah...hehehe... Rasa macam kembang semacam aje. And I can't wear all by clothes anymore...hahaha..(ade harapan jait @ beli baju baru) .Bagi lecture pun, terpaksa duduk..sebab asik semput + mengah..and fortunately, most of my class at level 3..and plus my office also at level 3 (-_-")...tapi takpe..semua itu akan berakhir next week... Kerana minggu depan merupakan minggu terakhir lecture...hehehehe..tok next sem, saya akan request kelas level 1 atau 2 sahaja (Kalau ade orang nak entertainlah kan..heheh)...

Okes, cukup setakat ini...Please do PRAY for us ye..sangat berharap segala urusan dipermudahkan dan segalanya berjalan lancar..DAN, diberkati ALLAH segala urusan kami...Ameen...


KurangBaik said...

Menurut pengalaman saya...ehem! yang dikelilingi wanita2 dah kawin yang sentiasa take turn untuk pregnant...Nanti perut awak akan membesar dengan cepat ;p

Neway, dah tau jantina belum?

CikDibah ;P said...


lum lagi..masa scan dulu baru nak masuk 3 bulan..harap2 nanti lepas ni boleh tahulah...hehehe

Thursday, October 15, 2009

~Week 14~

Posted by CikDibah ;P at 2:51 PM
pregnancy cartoon

Enter the week 14, meaning that I'm already 3.5 moth...Wah..still, sometimes I cant believe it...Entahlah..But, starting from this week, I start feeling that I'm bigger than normal Adibah...hehehe... Rasa macam kembang semacam aje. And I can't wear all by clothes anymore...hahaha..(ade harapan jait @ beli baju baru) .Bagi lecture pun, terpaksa duduk..sebab asik semput + mengah..and fortunately, most of my class at level 3..and plus my office also at level 3 (-_-")...tapi takpe..semua itu akan berakhir next week... Kerana minggu depan merupakan minggu terakhir lecture...hehehehe..tok next sem, saya akan request kelas level 1 atau 2 sahaja (Kalau ade orang nak entertainlah kan..heheh)...

Okes, cukup setakat ini...Please do PRAY for us ye..sangat berharap segala urusan dipermudahkan dan segalanya berjalan lancar..DAN, diberkati ALLAH segala urusan kami...Ameen...

2 comments on "~Week 14~"

KurangBaik on October 19, 2009 at 9:36 PM said...

Menurut pengalaman saya...ehem! yang dikelilingi wanita2 dah kawin yang sentiasa take turn untuk pregnant...Nanti perut awak akan membesar dengan cepat ;p

Neway, dah tau jantina belum?

CikDibah ;P on October 20, 2009 at 2:35 PM said...


lum lagi..masa scan dulu baru nak masuk 3 bulan..harap2 nanti lepas ni boleh tahulah...hehehe

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